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Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan Agree on Game-changing Transportation Corridor

All but overlooked by Western mainstream media in their focus on the recent flare-up of military tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the simmering conflict over the mountainous enclave of...

F. William Engdahl

Saudi Arabia Supported Al Qaeda Before and After But Not On 9/11?

The BBC in its 2004 article, "Al-Qaeda's origins and links," would frankly admit that (emphasis added: Al-Qaeda, meaning "the base", was created in 1989 as Soviet forces withdrew from Afghanistan and Osama Bin Laden and his...

Ulson Gunnar

Is Japan Testing Zero-2?

The first test flight of the Japanese experimental fighter X-2 conducted on April 22, 2106 did not go unnoticed by the mass media. The aircraft is a brainchild of one of the divisions of Mitsubishi Corporation. For the record: during WWII this...

Vladimir Terehov