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Turkey Coup Plot: What Did Not Kill Erdogan Has Only Made Him Stronger

Recep Tayyip Erdogan will benefit greatly from the "foiled coup" in Turkey. It has created a rift between the military and the people. The expected lynching of soldiers after the event will confirm the purpose of the coup in...

Henry Kamens

Paid Trolls: How the West Won Out In the Dirty Game of Payoffs

Extra! Extra! Read all about what Hillary Clinton wants you to know, on Arianna Huffington’s digital newspaper! Now read on here to discover how plagiarism by political...

Phil Butler

Turkey Coup: After the Dust Settles

The sultan’s image has been shaken, ‘The coup’s failed, however that won’t help Erdogan’, ‘Where will the bleeding tiger escape’ –Middle East newsmakers have been excelling in offering eye-catching headlines to cover the recent...

Yuriy Zinin