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Western Coup in Ukraine an Ongoing Disaster

One of America’s most enduring political barbs is, “When you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig.” The Western Ukraine coup has become a new version of that barb. No matter how the West tries to paint Russia as responsible for...

Jim Dean

US Foreign Policy Comes Full Circle As Qaeda Downs Russian Helicopters

The recent downing of a Russian Mi-8 helicopter and the death of all 5 on board over Al Qaeda-held Idlib province in Syria, represents the unenviable full circle US rhetoric has made surrounding both the Syrian conflict...

Ulson Gunnar

The Failed Coup in Turkey - the Region Faces New Realities

Hardly had the failed coup attempt come to an end when numerous facts emerged that allow us to make far-reaching conclusions on the new realities that have formed in the region. First, for example...

Viktor Mikhin