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The Future of South Korea’s Domestic Policy: The Right Wing is consolidating

Having examined the situation regarding the People’s Party in the previous article let’s look at what is happening to the others. The main news is that the ruling Saenuri party has regained the parliamentary majority due...

Konstantin Asmolov

Central Asian States are Reluctant to Make Friends with a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The Central Asian region has always been distinguished by an extensive amount of attention from various international players paid to it. After the collapse of the Soviet Union this resource-rich and strategically...

Jean Perier

Tajikistan is Heading East

Most people are ignorant of the fact that Tajikistan is among the top ten richest states in terms of natural minerals. However, the country itself is anything but rich, in spite of massive deposits of coal, precious stones, gold...

Dmitry Bokarev