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Obama's Political Heritage? Nothing to Write Home About!

Any election, and presidential elections in particular, are a sort of a test for the ruling party. Therefore, the number of votes received by the ruling elite shows if it is going to remain in power or be forced into the dustbin of history. The latter happened in the US recently, where the ruling...

Martin Berger

'Yuan-ization' of the World is Under Full Steam Now


On October 1, 2016 China’s yuan has been officially accepted in the list of the IMF’s reserve currency with a share of 10.93%, taking third place after US dollar (41.73% and euro (30.93%. This means that all central banks of…

Sofia Pale

US Still Seeks Regime Change Across Asia

While the US could accurately be described as a global power in decline, the ambitions of prominent special interests at the center of its economic and political power still pose a potent threat to global stability and national sovereignty worldwide. In Asia particularly, despite...

Ulson Gunnar