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Middle Eastern Media Sources Discuss Aleppo's Fall

The liberation of Aleppo and the withdrawal of radical militants from this Syrian city provoked a storm of responses and comments across various Middle Eastern media sources. While trying to downplay this major Damascus' success...

Yuriy Zinin

The Bullets Of An Assassin: Nothing Is Beyond the Pale

The bullets of an assassin shook the world on Monday. Shot from behind by a former Turkish police officer, at an art gallery in Ankara, right across the street from the US embassy, the Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov...

Christopher Black

Foxes Guard Facebook Henhouse

The latest mantra of CIA-linked media since the "Pizzagate" leaks of data alleging that Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta and other highly influential political persons in Washington were connected to an unusual pizza...

F. William Engdahl