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MSM: The Drip, Drip, Drip, of the Total Lie Designed to Flood Us All With Fake News

If anything good came out of the US presidential elections it is that a discussion is now being opened about whose news counts the most, e.g., which is less fake and which can be trusted more. Both sides of the debate...

Henry Kamens

North-South Transport Corridor: Russia is Expanding its Footprint in Asia

Development of international transport corridors fosters trade and promotes political convergence of countries. Russia has long been seeking to reinforce...

Dmitry Bokarev

EU and its Migration Crises

It's expected that the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini would be meeting a group of sixteen Foreign Ministers on January 29. Among the main topics to be discussed during the meeting one can mention illegal migration, which has become...

Grete Mautner