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Trump-Xi Meeting Was Accompanied by the Sound of American Rockets Falling in Syria

The bombing of the Syrian airfield by cruise missiles, carried out by the US Navy on the night of April 7 of this year, at first glance, strangely coincided with...

Vladimir Terehov

Stockholm Terror Attack: Do They Really Think We Are So Stupid?

So let's get this straight shall we? Donald Trump says there has been a terrorist attack in Sweden. No one in Sweden has any idea what he is talking about. This makes Trump look stupid. Then...

Seth Ferris

Blitzkrieg: When Air Defense Means Aggression

I March, 2017, Israel launched a series of air assaults on Syria. One attack near the ancient city of Palmyra brought about a series of events we will deal with today. The implications for modern warfare not only change the rules...

Gordon Duff