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Prospects of Long-term Cooperation between Russia and South Korea

The coming to power of Moon Jae-in that was elected president of South Korea occurred against the background of the recent aggravation of relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, that...

Dmitry Bokarev

Eurasia: Some Personal Impressions of Emerging China

I want to share with readers my impressions and experiences on a recent trip through several parts of the Peoples' Republic of China. I made the journey this June as part of my research for a forthcoming book on the Eurasian Century...

F. William Engdahl

Persian Gulf: Saudi-American Games

The unforgettable Middle East still does not allow anyone to forget about it – neither diplomats, nor politicians, nor political scientists. The entire world is closely watching the development of rather dangerous events in the Arabian. (Persian Gulf region. Pessimists...

Viktor Mikhin