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News of the Investigation into the Murder of Kim Jong-nam

Not so long ago, we looked into the high-profile story of the assassination attempt on the leader of the DPRK. Now, however, we will return our focus to the case of the attempt on the other Kim. The news surrounding the investigation...

Konstantin Asmolov

Vying with Kurds: Turkey Opens a New Front in Syria

The new cease-fire deal reached between the US and Russia on the sidelines of G-20 summit has rightly been declared an important step towards peace as the self-styled Islamic State is only inches from being routed from the Syrian...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Importance of North-South International Transportation Corridor Grows

As is well known, the plans for the transport and economic integration of Eurasia are not confined to the Chinese New Silk Road Initiative (NSRI. The North-South International Transport Corridor (ITC project is also of...

Dmitry Bokarev