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Myanmar: The Rohingya Crisis is Killing the West Too

Myanmar, the place we used to call Burma, has come back into the spotlight Western governments always try and keep it away from. Much is going on here, and too, many contradictions … but why? There is a well-known management...

Seth Ferris

US to Fight US-Saudi Sponsored Terrorism in Asia

With the recent attack on police in Myanmar by terrorists described by Reuters as "Muslim insurgents," and ongoing terrorism plaguing the Philippines where forces are engaged with militants from the so-called...

Tony Cartalucci

Will a Fourth Merkel Term End the EU?

In the runup to Germany’s election Angela Merkel seems to think a strategy of big, bold, and bossy will win election day for her. News she is bent on blocking Turkey’s EU bid personally, and Brussels adopting her “educate the peons”...

Phil Butler