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The European Army without the Dictatorship of the USA?

In response to the USA’s request to increase defense expenditures, the European member states of NATO, at the insistence of France and Germany, have suggested establishing the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO within the EU...

Vladimir Platov

DFAT’s White Paper and Modern Reality

In 2018 the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT will release a new White Paper, setting out possible scenarios for the future conduct of Australia’s foreign policy. It would be unwise to expect any substantial, let alone radical, departure from the foreign policy...

James ONeill

Otto Warmbier Law and Other Elements of the US Sanction Policy In Respect of the DPRK

On October 24, 2017, the US Congress House approved the draft law by an overwhelming majority (455 deputies for, and two against on the introduction of the new...

Konstantin Asmolov