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US Looks to Southeast Asia to Unleash its ISIS Hordes

Western think tanks have been increasingly busy cultivating a narrative to explain the sudden and spreading presence of militants linked or fighting under the banner of the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" (ISIS across Southeast Asia. This narrative - these think tanks would...

Tony Cartalucci

Borneo – Island Dying, People Oblivious

She was just standing there, in the middle of burning land, surrounded by stumps of trees, fire everywhere, smoke rising towards hopelessly gray sky. The expression on her face was mischievous, almost girlish. I had no idea how old she was...

Andre Vltchek

World Chaos Diagnosis: Acute Zionist Infestation

“Average Joe”, who’s an American veteran down on his luck, he could have begun his own landscaping or mechanic business when hard times came. Only Uncle Sam was too broken to gift good old Joe $30,000 or so to get things rolling. It’s too bad, because Joe got...

Phil Butler