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The Hardest Road Ahead - Yemen’s Conflit Just Got Muddier

Yemen’s longest serving president Ali Abdullah Saleh is no more! If news of his death may have left many to rejoice at the demise of a man they perceived as a tyrant - an opportunist hungry for power and wealth, Yemen’s former strongman nevertheless spoke...

Catherine Shakdam

Look Who's Interfering: Tillerson's Thai Election Comment

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson released a press statement regarding Thailand's National Day. In it he expressed diplomatic greetings and well-wishing to the Thai people, but failed to resist also expressing...

Tony Cartalucci

Toronto Fears Assuaged: Putin Will Not Invade!

Don’t look now, but all of Toronto, Canada will soon be up in arms and ready to defend the inevitable Russian invasion! Okay, maybe not all of Toronto, but the readers of The Star dot com at least. As Vladimir Putin’s evil empire threatens the shores of Lake Ontario, Canadians...

Phil Butler