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China Strengthens Influence on Indian Frontier

As it is known, all the states bordering with India are the zones of the Indian-Chinese struggle for the economic, political, and military dominance (except for Pakistan – a traditional opponent of India either with or without China. Even those that have traditionally cooperated...

Dmitry Bokarev

Google's AI Center in China: Poaching Talent

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already fundamentally changing information technology and stands poised to permeate and transform technology both online and off ranging from manufacturing and transportation to medicine and military applications. The US, Russia and China have...

Ulson Gunnar

Trump Threatens Everyone To Destroy the US Before Himself

Donald Trump is getting quite carried away with starting fights; he is becoming the Shame of the Nation, and World for that matter. After recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel to detract attention from the defeat of ISIS and the failure of the Kurdistan project he is now trying ...

Seth Ferris