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The US-China Trade War is More Likely Now Than Ever

Ever since coming into power, the US president Donald Trump has been doing his best to live up to his promises and election pledges. This has already led to the US’ exit from the Paris agreement, the scrapping of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP deal, and review of the US-Iran...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Kim Jong-Un has Beaten Trump Hands Down

The string of crises that erupted on the Korean peninsula over the last year, along with the ongoing confrontation between Korea's leader Kim Jong-un and America's Donald Trump remains of the most significant international trends in the world of geopolitics. There's a number of...

Martin Berger

Russian and Japan are Building Up the Economic Co-operation

As is well known, both the geographical position of Japan and its need for the import of hydrocarbon fuels have facilitated the development of relations of that country with Russia. Only the long-standing Kuril Islands dispute stopped Japan from becoming one of the main...

Dmitry Bokarev