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Authoritarian versus ‘Democratic’ Rulers

Much American ink is being spilt over the fact that Russian voters recently agreed to allow President Vladimir Putin to potentially serve for another sixteen years. This is part of a liberal campaign against authoritarian leaders that pays scant attention to reality: while ‘democratic’ rulers are constantly negotiating with their people’s representatives, evil authoritarians...

Deena Stryker

Hong Kong Security Law is Common Sense, Not Controversial

China's special administration region of Hong Kong saw the passing of a security law outlawing acts universally recognized as criminal and threats to any nation's security and sovereignty. Despite what would appear to be common sense legislation, the Western media has cried "controversy." While the West claims...

Tony Cartalucci

Britain Encourages Bloodshed

On July 2, Al Jazeera reported that the Saudi-led coalition began a new major military operation in Yemen against Ansar Allah (i.e. “Supporters of God”, also known as the Houthis, “an Islamic political and armed” opposition movement. Air raids were reportedly conducted against “the capital, Sanaa, as well as Marib, al-Jouf, al-Bayda, Hajjah and Saada provinces”. According to the Houthi-run Al Masirah…

Vladimir Danilov