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Beirut Goes Up in Smoke

To see Beirut and its port area with a huge mushroom cloud hanging above is a truly surreal sight. But what is not surreal in battered Lebanese capital? A big part of the downtown looks flattened, thoroughly ruined. One of my Japanese friends based in Beirut exclaimed: "It looks like Hiroshima!" It does. Who is behind the carnage?  What really happened? Nobody is claiming responsibility...

Andre Vltchek

“Gone with the Wind” Returns with Vengeance and Insight!

It is bad enough that the media can no longer to be trusted, and worse that there are few alternative choices to turn to for reliable information that is free from spin. The audio recording group I've been associated with recently posted a solidarity message in support of Black Lives Matter (BLM and against police brutality. America is rediscovering values...

Henry Kamens

US Withdrawal from Afghanistan and its Consequences for India

It is widely acknowledged that from a geopolitical point of view, India is caught between a rock and a hard place. It shares its land borders with China, its most powerful competitor in Asia, as well as Pakistan, and although Pakistan may not be as powerful as China, it is a country with which India has an extremely complex relationship...

Dmitry Bokarev