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Turkey Strengthens Its Position in Libya

Turkey has taken major steps over the past few years to significantly strengthen its position in the Mediterranean, with the aim of showing its neighbors in the region along with its NATO allies that Turkey plays a key role there. Ankara has been focusing much of these efforts on protecting its interests in Libya, with which it shares maritime border in the Mediterranean Sea...

Valery Kulikov

US Smears Those Questioning Latest Claims vs. China

The Coda Story - a media front funded and created by and for the US government, its "Atlanticist" partners, and the corporate interests driving the vast majority of Western foreign policy - recently ran a smear against alternative media figures questioning the US-led "Uyghur-Xinjiang" narrative. The smear is part of a wider campaign aimed at anyone questioning...

Tony Cartalucci

Recent Events in Hong Kong and Taiwan

The current state of affairs in Hong Kong and Taiwan remains one of the key sources of tensions plaguing the relationship between the two world powers, i.e. the United States and the PRC. There was yet another rise in anti-Chinese sentiment in Washington in response to the passing of the Hong Kong national security law by the Standing Committee...

Vladimir Terehov