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Eastern Nations Prefer Russian Weapons to US Ones

In recent years, the United States has increasingly more often impinged on sovereignty of other nations, thus flagrantly flaunting just how uncivilized its policies are. Such behavior is exemplified in various ways: diplomatic pressure exerted on policies of other nations; involvement in color revolutions; imposition of unlawful sanctions, and bans on trading with clear...

Dmitry Bokarev

Implications of Trump’s ‘Snap Back’ Fiasco

Whereas the US did badly loose the ‘snap back sanctions on Iran’ showdown at the UN Security Council, this is not just a foreign policy failure, although it is a major consequence, rooted in the decline of American influence in Europe and elsewhere or its tense relations with both China and Russia. With elections due in few months and Biden’s lead already in double...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Black Deaths are About White Fear

Fifty-seven years after Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream” speech, thousands of black Americans turned out on the same Washington Mall to reaffirm that ‘Black Lives Matter’ on Saturday, August 29th, setting off speculation that the country may be descending into a kind of civil war. Black American history began with the importation of slaves from Africa by the first...

Deena Stryker