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In America, Privilege is Far More Fatal than COVID

Yesterday, I received a report from Syria. It told of blistering heat and no electricity, of fuel lines, of food shortages and economic suffering by the Syrian people. This is an excerpt: “I wonder if people in EU, US and UK had to deal with the repercussions of their government sanctions on Syria, would they fight harder to get sanctions banned as a hybrid war...

Gordon Duff

Norfolk Island and Australia: Forced Integration

The tiny Norfolk Island (with an area of 35 km2 is an Australian external territory located in the Pacific Ocean between Australia and New Zealand. It is barely discernible on a map and the voice of its residents (numbering less than 2,000 was not heard by the international community in 2015, when the Parliament of Australia passed the Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Bill...

Sofia Pale

Facebook Still Banning Purported "Fake Sites" To Support US Fake Stories

Over the years there has been much discussion about organisations using social media for nefarious purposes. Political organisations have been caught subverting campaign finance rules by sending out social media ads through third party organisations, and sex workers regularly post "friend invitations" to accounts which have ended up on some...

Seth Ferris