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NATO's Slow-Motion Blitzkrieg Eastward

When the US announced it would be reducing the number of its troops stationed in Germany many hoped in vain it would be the beginning of an overall reduction of US forces in Europe and a deescalation of tensions between the US, NATO and the Russian Federation. Many others, however, easily predicted these forces would simply be moved elsewhere in Europe...

Ulson Gunnar

France is getting Involved in Regional Power Games in Asia - but in What Capacity?

In view of two noteworthy events which occurred in early September this year, it may be interesting to take another look at France’s plans to joining the power games being played out in the Indian and Pacific Ocean region, which is becoming a key arena in the current phase of the global political contest. It is “another look”, as NEO briefly...

Vladimir Terehov

South Korean “Patriots”: “What have We Ever Done to Them?”

In September 2020 two scandals unfolded simultaneously in South Korea, both of which can tell us a lot about popular attitudes to racism and bullying in that country. On the one hand there is the fuss about the singer Lee Hyori, who, talking on MBC’s "Hangout with Yoo" chat show claimed that she want to build up her international fan base and plans to adopt...

Konstantin Asmolov