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Iran and the USA: What Happens Next?

It is now just two months until the presidential elections in the USA. Currently the verdict of the public opinion polls - which is always changing - suggests that Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, has a good chance of winning on November 3.  Those forecasts have led many politicians to speculate that the Democrat candidate may win, and that...

Viktor Mikhin

The Strange Case of Trump’s New ‘Socialist Republic of Northern Syria’

Can there ever be a secular or even Bolshevik state encompassing much of the Middle East? Who is doing it? Is it the real NATO or the new US and Israeli dominated version, the ‘Arab NATO’ that Secretary Pompeo talks about? What is happening is the formation of a new nation inside Syria and Iraq, one based not on Wahhabist beliefs...

Gordon Duff

US’s anti-China and anti-Russia Bellicose Propaganda Campaigns

After the current political elite in the United States made waging and preparation for conflicts on various continents the focus of their foreign policy, they are continuously searching for, in an increasingly paranoid manner, new enemies of the United States who they could declare yet another war against and not necessarily a “cold...

Vladimir Danilov