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Are We Almost Done As a Globe?

Everyone knows the Engish nursery rhyme “Humpty Dumpty”, but few realize the famous single quatrain melody is really about the breakage of great men and great nations. Though we often refer to world leaders in terms of their “broken egg” fates, we seldom take to heart what happens when things get so broken, that we can’t glue them back together. This brings...

Phil Butler

On the Hubris of Politicians and Our Willingness to Suspend all Critical Thinking and Reasoning

Where does one start when faced with the litany of crises, plagues and altogether sordid developments 2020 has, ever so brutally, unleashed onto our unsuspected heads? Where does one start indeed… Before such a flood, one’s only hope would be to retreat to the comfort of one’s ark … Noah as it were had a good mind building one; we...

Catherine Shakdam

On the Latest Video Summits Held between the EU and PRC

Sino-European relations remain one of the chief components in the world’s rapidly changing political puzzle. On top of that, this component itself often undergoes transformations, and NEO keeps track of this process on a more or less constant basis. The last time we addressed this topic was because of a series of events that occurred at the beginning of the summer...

Vladimir Terehov