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The Empire’s New Clothes - or How Britain is NOT dealing with COVID-19

With news over the weekend that the UK registered over 22,000 new cases of coronavirus in a single day it may be time to look the Empire in the face and state the obvious: Britain’s new attire is not exactly flattering...“ I don't want to blind them, I just want them to blink a little.” The Emperor’s New Clothes And blink we have...

Catherine Shakdam

On the Ministerial Meeting for Participants in the “Quad”

The meeting on October 6th between the foreign ministers for countries participating in the so-called "Quadrilateral" (the Quad), which is composed of the USA, Japan, India, and Australia, is one of the most noteworthy events on the world political stage in recent times. New Eastern Outlook has addressed the topic how the idea itself originated for the Quad (in the beginning...

Vladimir Terehov

The Libyan Conflict Takes an Alarming Pause

Despite the fact that there are no messages that would cause any alarm from Libyan media outlets in recent days, the situation in this country is still far from normal, but rather has only taken a temporary (and alarming pause. According to reports from Libya Al Ahrar TV channel, the split in Tripoli has become even more pronounced due to the talks being held...

Valery Kulikov