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Australia Faces Challenging Times Caused by Deteriorating Relations with China

A recent article published in Russia Today on 13 October 2020 by Tom Fowdy raised some very important issues affecting Australia’s economic well-being. That economic position is rapidly deteriorating as the country’s crucial economic relationship with China disintegrates at an accelerating rate. Australia’s export structure has had several...

James ONeill

Can Business Prevent US-China Relations from Becoming Fractured?

The flood of events that has occurred recently affecting the politics of relations between the two leading world powers (the United States and China) cannot bring about anything but a feeling of numbing hopelessness for observers. If it were not for the common sense that raises its head in the economic sphere. Notably (and mainly) on the part...

Vladimir Terehov

US Seeks to Prolong Terrorism in Syria, Not Defeat It

Recent attacks on Syrian positions from terrorists of the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" (ISIS and the release of thousands of prisoners in US-occupied eastern Syria illustrate how Washington is demonstratably prolonging instability in Syria as part of its promise to transform the nation into a "quagmire" for Russia and Iran. Newsweek itself, in an article titled, "US Syria...

Tony Cartalucci