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The Anniversary of Gaddafi’s Death and the Current Reality in Libya

“Security problems, political discord, oil blockades, corruption, and Libya’s foreign debt, which has reached 270% of its GDP, all torpedo economic life,” said Central Bank of Libya governor Sadiq al-Kabir.  Oil revenues in Libya have plummeted, from $53 billion in 2012 to near zero this year, he added. These words, spoken on the eve...

Yuriy Zinin

More New Troubles are Raining Down on the Americans

While the current leap year 2020 is far from over, there is no doubt that it will go down in American history marked by memories that are less than stellar. And this will undoubtedly have to do not only with the shameful presidential election campaign going on now, where the American people are being forced to choose between two people who are clearly not the best emissaries...

Vladimir Platov

Same Old Fakes Tales Told by US, UK, and Germany about “Damascus' Chemical Weapons”

The quite frankly disastrous results following military interventions by the United States and its closest allies from Western Europe in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, and Syria have made information warfare one of the main tools used by the West, a type of combat operation in which the key instrument to exert an impact has become targeted...

Vladimir Odintsov