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Jordan: “Fake Stability” Prelude to “Misery and Mayhem”

Jordan is one of those countries you seldom hear about, however, it is located in a tough neighbourhood. When you think of the “Middle East”, a familiar set of images in a listener’s head, and most of those are not good: violence, conflict, general poverty alongside significant oil wealth, arms, terrorism, and corruption – an unstable mess where the next “load...

Henry Kamens

F-35s and the Reshaping of Middle Eastern Strategic Landscape

The UAE and Israel have achieved in less than six weeks what Israel and Egypt have not achieved in over 41 years. While this does look remarkable, there is still a devil in the details. The Abraham Accords, happening against a changing geo-strategic landscape of the Middle East and the rise of Iran and Turkey as two powerful...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

What is Wrong with the Wolseong-1 Reactor?

This author has written more than once about how South Korean President Moon Jae-in struggles with his nuclear power industry and its consequences. Today’s article will tackle how this is done, and in this regard, another political scandal that has occurred in South Korea? It concerns the Wolseong-1 nuclear reactor with a capacity of 679 megawatts (which is about...

Konstantin Asmolov