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China’s Reaction to Australian Thoughtlessness Makes an Overdue Point

For all of this century, China has been Australia’s most important trading partner. By 2019 it took more than one third of all Australian exports. This percentage had grown steadily each year. It was not alone in representing the importance of the Chinese market to the Australian economy. In 2019 China also became the largest source...

James ONeill

With an Eye on China, India Cuts Iran Loose & Embraces the US

India, tied as it to the US apron strings, has suffered a major strategic set-back in Iran where not only has it potentially lost exclusive development rights and control of the strategically important port of Chabahar, but has also been kicked out of Farzad-B gas field project. This has potentially meant a physical death of the ambitious...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Fighting Against Privilege: the Version Given by Moon Jae-in

One of the trends in South Korean ideology since Moon Jae-in arrived is the affirmation that Korean history is not the history of the movement for democratization, but also the continuation of the history of the struggle for independence, in the context of which the noble descendants and followers of Korean patriots who battled for independence against...

Konstantin Asmolov