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On the Development of DPRK's Nuclear Capabilities

Having recently reported on the development of the nuclear missile arsenal possessed by DPRK the author would like to touch upon the capabilities that North Korea has regarding weapons of mass destruction. Number of nuclear warheads According to a report from the US Army Training and Doctrine Command, North Korea has from 20 to 60...

Konstantin Asmolov

Will Joe Biden Really ‘Re-set’ US Foreign Relations?

Joe Biden’s victory in the US presidential elections has raised prospects of a major shift in the US foreign policy. The presidential debates showed that Biden and Trump have different approaches to almost all major foreign policy issues, including China, Iran, Russia, and Afghanistan. While Donald Trump had his “America First” policy...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The “Eastern” Policy Adopted by Britain and its Army

Great Britain, doing the best it can to regain its past influence in the international arena, is trying to showcase how active it is in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries. However, besides the UN Security Council, Britain is not actually included in any of the negotiation mechanisms for resolving conflicts in the world’s eastern regions, including the Middle East. But this does...

Vladimir Danilov