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Conservative Americans Now Labeled “Domestic Terrorists”

The long-awaited transition of power finally occurred in the United States on January 20, 2021 when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn in as president and vice president. Two weeks before on January 6, a large number of Donald Trump's supporters rallied in Washington DC to protest what they believed to be a stolen election by the Democrats. A small fraction...

Henry Kamens

Thai Protests Aimed at Thai-Chinese Relations

Thailand has for months faced anti-government protests. While portrayed by the Western media as organic, self-organized, and "pro-democratic," US government-funding and the protest leaders themselves openly aligning with US-funded opposition groups in Hong Kong and Taiwan have revealed the ongoing unrest as aimed at China. The US seeks to complicate...

Brian Berletic

Will there be Peace in Afghanistan under Biden?

While it is well known that international treaties and agreements signed are not a personal contract between political leaders, but rather certain obligations between states, the United States has repeatedly shown the world that it does not care about such norms of international law. Hence the entire structure of the international legal framework, be it the international...

Vladimir Danilov