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The Price of Friendship with Washington

O mon dieu, délivrez-moi de mes amis!” (“May God defend me from my friends: I can defend myself from my enemies” – fr. Some historians attribute this catchphrase to Napoleon Bonaparte, others to King Louis XIV, although it is not that important, because, after all, what friends can royalty have? The Kurds have used this phrase more than once recently in...

Vladimir Platov

What does the ROK Expect from Joe Biden?

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was sworn in as president. What the DPRK expects of it is partly evident from the results of the recent congress. But what about the South? Officially everyone paid their respects even after the election, and again after the inauguration. ROK President Moon Jae-in congratulated Joe Biden on officially assuming the presidency of the United States...

Konstantin Asmolov

US Pressure on China; The Thai Connection

The change of guard in the American White House has proved that nothing has changed from the Trump regime with respect to US foreign policy. President Biden and his party continue the American propaganda attacks on Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and other nations that try to march to their own tune, and will continue preparations for aggressive actions focused…

Christopher Black