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Sputnik V Diplomacy: A Race Won As Humanity Continues Losing

Holy cow! The American expression most often reserved for stunning revelations suits a recent New York Times shocking headline. Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine may be worth a try, no less. When I read the headline, I dropped my morning cappuccino. That’s right, the bible of Putin and Russia haters has written a Psalm about Russia...

Phil Butler

Joe Biden Adopts Trump’s “Maximum Pressure” Strategy Towards Iran

Whereas the newly elected US president does want to revive the JCPOA with Iran, the process is far from straightforward. Joe Biden, who is looking to make America “great” again at global level, sees this revival as a crucial mark of America’s re-entry as a “responsible” super-power, reversing the way it was largely left out of many important...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Has the US Reached a Truce in Libya?

As a result of five days (February 1-5 of UN-mediated Forum for Political Dialogue to resolve the Libyan crisis in Geneva, 74 selected delegates from both main sides of the civil war going on in Libya selected a new unified leadership for the transitional period. The three-member Presidential Council and the Prime Minister must propose within three weeks...

Valery Kulikov