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Has South Korea been Passing Military Technology to Islamic Terrorists?

Some time ago, the author had a discussion with a famous political scientist from the ROK who was keen on proving the following hypothesis. The DPRK government was capable of passing on military secrets, even those required to make a nuclear bomb, to international terrorist networks, and even if the leadership chose not to do...

Konstantin Asmolov

Biden Fine-Tunes the Saudi Trombone

No one doubts today that Biden is not a promising politician, but his one-term administration. As such, he is not making any far-reaching plans, for him it is important to change the vector of American policy, rejecting, in particular, the "Trump era". So, despite the fact that the new head of the White House is obviously not counting on a long-term personal stay at the helm...

Vladimir Platov

Afghan-Iranian Oil Fire: The Match That Sets “Too Many” Things Ablaze!

The oil fire which devastated the Afghanistan- Iran border crossing at Islam Qala on February 14th was widely reported. Like something out of a Chuck Norris film, hundreds of tankers carrying oil, gas and other items were set ablaze, causing millions of dollars of damage on the spot and millions more in longer term economic affects...

Seth Ferris