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Qatar Is Funding International Terrorism

A recent statement by Syria’s Information Minister that Qatar is violating all of the UN Security Council’s resolutions on fighting terrorism is being suppressed in the West. The United States and its allies are keeping silent because Doha is providing…
Alexander Orlov

Indirect Action and Soft Power Strategies in Geopolitical Conflicts. (Part 1)

The strategies of indirect action and soft power are currently the most effective means of geopolitical struggle used by the ruling circles of the United States to defeat or weaken their actual and potential opponents on the international stage. China’s…
Vladimir Karyakin

Israel, Iran and the Syrian issue

The unsuccessful attempts to overthrow the Assad regime are increasingly moving Israel to center stage, and the footdragging on Syria is significantly hindering a decision on what is perhaps Israel’s key foreign policy issue: Iran. In a late July speech…
Vitaly Bilan