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Iran-Israeli Relations: Is Military Conflict Inevitable? Part 2

A number of international experts believe that after the PLO occurred on the official level in IRI the Iranian leadership had taken the posture of promoting international terrorism, creating further threats to peace. At the same time appeals to wipe…
Sergey Pivin

Georgia and the Security of the "Sochi-2014” Olympic Games

According to the recent surveys of the American National Democratic Institute (NDI), unresolved relationships of Tbilisi and Moscow are among the most pressing concerns of the people of Georgia. Hopes for improvement are concerned with the new authorities and the…
Yuri Simonyan

USA and Egypt: Washington’s Plans in Jeopardy

It sounds like Washington's plans to create a “New Middle East”, supported by a number of its Islamist satellites, are bulging at the seams. This statement is proved true by the latest developments in Egypt. Millions of Egyptian people took…
Konstantin Penzev