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The Dim Prospects of Syrian Settlement

As stated by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem immediately after the vote on the UN Security Council Resolution 2118, Damascus was ready to accept the conditions that the UN Security Council put forward in the resolution to ban the use of chemical weapons in the country. According...

Vladimir Simonov

Troublesome state of Shinzo Abe

The Japanese economy is stagnating the last two decades yet. Its main problems are a declining real sector of the economy, combined with relocation of production capacities to China, high wages, a large number of long-living pensioners, together with a low birth rate, a huge (mostly domestic...

Konstantin Penzev

Syrian opposition and international terrorism

The unanimous adoption by the UN Security Council member states of the resolution on the destruction of chemical weapons in Syria has, undoubtedly, not only demonstrated the victory of the Russian approach to the peace settlement of the Syrian conflict, but also further strengthened...

Vladimir Platov