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Israel cries wolf too many times with Iran

US Mid East policy has been shifting subsequent to Netanyahu betting the farm on intimidating Obama during his White House visit. His goal had been to redirect American Syrian regime change aggression back onto Iran, using the bomb hoax scam again. The tactics...
Jim Dean

The Urgency Case for Combating International Terrorism. Part 1

International terrorism as a phenomenon appeared in the 1960's as the method of struggle, when most radical political groups and extremist elements fought against governments, regimes or representatives of other political and social views that they opposed...

Stanislav Ivanov

Political Islam in the Middle East

Can ideology and pragmatism walk hand in hand, as was at one time claimed by the Muslim Brotherhood, or would this inevitably result in a conflict of interest that could lead to an eruption the likes of which we witnessed in Egypt? Everything that is currently taking place in Egypt is not...

Vitaly Naumkin