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The BRICS: An Emerging Challenge for the West?

The BRICS are said to have emerged as a major challenge to the so called global hegemony of the US and its satellites. It is a politico-economic union of five countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa striving to come up with some sort of a formula which could help them co-ordinate their...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Sudan: on the brink of a new conflict?

In late October, the pro-South Sudan Ngok Dinka tribe in the disputed province of Abyei began to vote unilaterally to join the territory. Reports of this caused great anger in Khartoum and among the leaders of the nomadic Misseriya tribe, which is under its control and passes through the...

Vitaly Bilan

Syria: Do Not Fan Controversies

A representative of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW expressed satisfaction with the cooperation of Damascus in the context of the work of its experts on the elimination of the Syrian chemical arsenal. They are going according  to schedule set in the program...

Yuriy Zinin