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Ukrainian Opposition Suffers Setback amid Diplomatic Flap and Rising Concerns

The recently leaked diplomatic exchange between United States Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasia Affairs Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyat is more than just another 

Martin Harris

The USA’s Asia Policy is Shifting

The February 5th discussion in Congress of the issue of the United States’ Asia policy came as a clear confirmation of the course taken by Washington influence by hawks: transitioning from the balanced approach of the past to solving territorial disputes in the Pacific Rim to a tougher stance...
Vladimir Odintsov

Egyptian political reality: “the devil is in the media coverage”

Now some kind of mutual understanding has been achieved between the ruling military council and the Islamists in Egypt, with the help of the US, a new narrative of that country’s recent past is being written in the State and Islamist media.

Seth Ferris