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The Dilemma of Duplicity: The Three Maestros of the Crimea

The events transpiring in the aftermath of the ‘EuroMaidan’ Revolution in Kiev are clearly multi-faceted and complex. What is clearly not helping matters, however, is a pervasive duplicity reflected in each of the three main sides’ behavior. The idea of duplicity being an integral part of any conflict and even a fundamentally basic aspect of foreign policy is not a new or radical idea. What...

Matthew Crosston

Double Standard – Georgia-Ukraine, two presidents, no logic

In recent months we have seen the departure of two East European presidents. One was elected in broadly free and fair elections, one rigged his and every other election, as evidence as long as your arm demonstrates...

Seth Ferris

Syria still is in the Spotlight

Russian Foreign Ministry made a statement on March 5, where Moscow called upon international politicians to support the practice of local ceasefires in Syria, which was pursued by Damascus. According to Russian Foreign Ministry, in parallel with the fights...

Viktor Titov