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India And The Crimean Crisis – Old Friends Are Better Than New

The annexation of the Crimea to Russia on 18 March 2014 put India in the grip of a dilemma. On the one hand, the decision by New Delhi not to support the sanctions imposed on Russia by the USA and the European Union conforms to its policy of supporting only...

Alexander Rogozhin

Thailand: West Tearing Down Old World to Build a "New" One

The first step in subjugating a population is identifying their source of strength, undermining it, and eventually eliminating it. This textbook strategy employed by empires throughout human history is still busily being applied around the world as Wall Street...

Tony Cartalucci

Afghan Elections & the Myth of Progress

Elections held this week in Afghanistan, while highly publicized as a showpiece in NATO's lengthy intervention, will most likely not only achieve very little, but may be the first in a series of steps the nation undergoes as it slips back into regression and darkness...

Ulson Gunnar