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F. William Engdahl

Will Greece Join the Eurasian Union?

At the very least the new Greek government realizes it must play in a deadly power game over the future of the nation in an asymmetrical manner. The so-called Troika—EU Commission, European Central Bank and IMF—is demanding blood from a turnip when it comes to Greece...

F. William Engdahl

Iran and a Possible New Energy Geopolitics

The recent tentative agreement between Iran and the USA regarding Iran’s nuclear program open the prospect of a lifting of almost 36 years of American economic sanctions against Iran. It is being greeted by threats of unilateral military strikes by Israel against Iran to...

F. William Engdahl

AIIB, BRICS Development Bank and an Emerging World

Germany is a founding member as France. So is Luxemburg, even Great Britain. Putin’s Russia and India are also among the founders. To the surprise of many, so is the International Monetary Fund (IMF, an institution that until now has been...

F. William Engdahl