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F. William Engdahl

Greek Guilt and Syriza Perfidy

At this sad and very dangerous juncture of the unfolding events surrounding Greece and the crushing demands of the Troika, it becomes clear that all this would never have come to pass had the Greek people not felt guilty over their country's debt situation. As a consequence of their...

F. William Engdahl

Why American Presidents are so Rotten

What few people inside or outside the United States grasp is the fundamental transformation of US politics, especially since the 1970’s, from political parties with stable mass-based constituencies to two parties bought lock, stock and barrel by...

F. William Engdahl

Mackinder Reincarnates--Now Hungary Joins Silk Road

The magnetic force field pulling more EU countries to link up with the emerging Eurasian economic colossus is growing by the day as the economies of the EU sink deeper into debt, depression and economic stagnation. The latest intriguing development is...

F. William Engdahl