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F. William Engdahl

China Carefully Moving to Displace Dollar

While Washington seems obsessed with trying to humiliate China's President Xi Jinping and make him lose face, sending warships into Chinese territorial waters in the South China Sea just days after Obama's White House meeting with President XI, and...

F. William Engdahl

What Stinks in Saudi Ain't the Camel Dung

In recent weeks one nation after another is falling over themselves, literally, to join the Turkey shoot known, erroneously, as the war in Syria, ostensibly against the Islamic State. The most wanted but most feared question is where will this...

F. William Engdahl

Russia's Dollar Exit Takes Major New Step

For some time both China and the Russian Federation have understood, as do other nations, that the role of the US dollar as the world's major reserve currency is their economic Achilles Heel. So long as Washington and Wall Street control the dollar, and so...

F. William Engdahl