Vladimir Odintsov
30.03.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

The well known “divide and conquer” tactic of any invader is being actively used by Washington in its policies. The idea of the need to partition the Middle East was promoted in the US by the famous American “strategist” Ralph Peters in 2006, who published a map on which the borders of all the Middle Eastern states were redrawn. For 19 years...

24.03.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

After recent critical remarks by Tel Aviv against Russia for its special denazification operation in Ukraine made at the UN General Assembly under the obvious pressure from Washington, the Israeli society, nonetheless, is coming around and expressing criticism toward the current Kyiv government recently strengthened with the US support. This statement...

22.03.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

As you must know, the “no-fly zone” (NFZ), also known as the air exclusion zone (AEZ), is an off-limits area established by military force. The criminal Kiev authorities have been actively, but unsuccessfully, trying in recent days to create a “no-fly zone” over Ukraine and involve the NATO countries in their confrontation...

15.03.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

Endless provocations and subversive actions of the US and Israel against Iran lead to the Iranian people getting increasingly bitter towards the two countries and their representatives. Following the blatant US assassination operation against Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard...

13.03.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

Fleeing from wars, armed conflicts and various militant activities, migrants from Africa and Asia continue to make risky attempts to enter the EU by various means, often using risky and perilous routes. However, streams of refugees in Europe have increased in recent days amid the events in Ukraine. So, after the outright...

07.03.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

Recent developments around Russia’s special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine have dotted the I’s in terms of showing the true political face of the current leaders of many countries and their attitude towards neo-Nazism and the revival of an atmosphere of fascist intimidation of people. While it has been clear to everyone what the politicians...

05.03.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

It is no secret that members of the current US political elite and their closest relatives are fairly quick to gain business shares in all countries invaded by US occupation forces. This has been commonplace since the Iraqi wars and the destruction of Yugoslavia. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, for example, had...

03.03.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

Russia’s recognition of the independence of the LPR and DPR caused some confusion in Tel Aviv, where at first nobody was in a hurry to make a statement. Moreover, after intense consultations in Israel’s Foreign Ministry and National Security Council, local officials were forbidden to provide comments by the ruling coalition, leaving the Jewish nation-state...

28.02.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

Although the associations with racial discrimination in the US are primarily related to the country’s black population, the problem is much deeper and more serious. Even The Guardian, which is “friendly” to the current government in Washington, stresses that racism is rampant in the United States and that from the very beginning...

24.02.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

The next Turkish general elections are scheduled for June 2023. The incumbent Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to run as a People’s Alliance presidential candidate, a coalition that had been formed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been in power since 2003...

22.02.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

At the end of December 2021, the Biden administration, in another of its now blatantly false propaganda campaigns, tried to convince the world of the supposedly “humane treatment of the people of Afghanistan.” It should be recalled that at the time the matter concerned the delivery of one million doses of coronavirus vaccine...

17.02.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

As noted earlier, over the past centuries, there have been various assessments of changes in fertility and their impact on the state structure and social processes. Nevertheless, it has always been recognized that the demographic situation of a country is invariably a key indicator of its development. Therefore, the solution of the most important social issues...