Vladimir Odintsov
27.11.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

The settlement of Iranian nuclear deadlock has recently become a top priority for a number of countries, since it is directly affecting stability in the region. Today there's two camps – one that is desperately trying to solve the diplomatic puzzle despite the differences in their positions...

22.11.2013 Vladimir Odintsov
The new draft law on state secrets, proposed by the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in October of this year has become a controversial subject in Japanese society. Not only because its goals are the complete restriction of personal freedom...
13.11.2013 Vladimir Odintsov
Evidence that Turkey, under the protection of the authorities, has become a transit point for jihadist groups can be found in recent articles by commentators from all over the world, in reports from international nongovernmental organizations and even...
12.11.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

According to nume- rous observers, the United States are losing their positions in many Arab countries, and, in the first place, in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, due to its failed policies in the Middle East. The developments that took place in this... 

04.11.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

The remarkable aspiration of the British Foreign Office to only accuse the administrations of Libya and Iraq for the current state of events there, concealing their initial cause, consisting in initiation by the West and Great Britain in the first place of the recent military...

31.10.2013 Vladimir Odintsov
For the past three years, Syria has been living in a state of war and rampant terror, which has almost completely destroyed the country's economy and provoked a humanitarian disaster. The international community is polarized in its approach to the Syrian conflict. At one extreme...
28.10.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

The sponsors of the Syrian opposition – the so-called “friends of Syria” continue their sabre rattling at the meeting they held in London this October. They sound groundless accusations of the chemical attacks carried out by the Syrian regime, voice the demands for a change of power in Syria...

24.10.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

The latest events show that despite all the steps that Paris took in order to satisfy all the demands of the “Big Brother” and pledge its allegiance to it's long-time “ally”, Washington keeps on treating France and its people with a certain amount of indulgence...

10.10.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

Despite the break out of a U.S. budget crisis and Obama’s cancelled trip to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC Summit “to save public funds”, the White House has neither revised nor curtailed its military obsessions. Only the emphasis has changed: under the influence...

03.10.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

Lately Washington's foreign policy strategy has clearly emphasized strengthening its position in Southeast Asia, according to many Western experts. The policy of unipolar hegemony in the Asian region, which Washington has sought in recent years, has come to a standstill, faced...

01.10.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

In its struggle against “Syria's chemical weapons”, the White House, with its false rhetoric about "guaranteeing security and human rights in Syria," is actively trying to disguise its direct involvement in the bloodshed that the country has...

24.09.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

The 68th Session of the UN General Assembly, which opened on September 17, has been particularly long-awaited against the background of the international community's agonizing wait in the last few weeks to see along which path the Syrian settlement will proceed. It is upon the work of the...