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Vladimir Odintsov

Peace and the Withdrawal of American Soldiers from Afghanistan Put on Hold

According to Hawa Alam Nuristani, Chairwoman of the Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan, the current president of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, came first in the country’s presidential election in late September, gaining 50.64% of the vote. Meanwhile the media previously reported that the campaign team...

Vladimir Odintsov

Turkey and Israel: Enemies or Allies?

After Israel was created in 1948, Turkey became its most important partner in the Middle East. Ankara recognized the Jewish state as far back as 1949, establishing official diplomatic relations with it, which clearly illustrated the direction of Turkey’s foreign policy. The first two Israeli prime ministers, David Ben-Gurion and...

Vladimir Odintsov

Are Turkey and the US Getting their Divorce Papers?

The well-established relations between Washington and one of its most important NATO allies – Turkey, has recently come under strain due to a growing list of differences between the two and their often conflicting interestsWashington has responded to this development by sending the Turkish lira into a free fall that has recently...

Vladimir Odintsov