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Vladimir Odintsov

Should We Trust Washington's "More Peaceful" Approach to Central Asia?

In spite of promises made by US President Donald Trump during his previous election campaign about focusing on the internal problems of the United States, in a situation where spheres of influence are being redistributed across the globe, Washington is going to spend ever increasing time and resources improving its...

Vladimir Odintsov

Where Is the Gold Rush Leading to?

Lately we have, with increasing frequency, been witness to fairly significant events. However, those involved in them usually attempt to hide what is happening behind a wall of secrecy. For instance, at the end of last year, the process of moving Polish gold reserves from Great Britain back home was completed in secret. G4S plc, a UK security services company, helped...

Vladimir Odintsov

Drifting Away from the US - a New Global Trend?

Recently, an ever increasing number of countries has started distancing itself from the United States. This process became particularly noticeable a couple of years ago when President Donald Trump announced a new policy that he dubbed America First. It's noteworthy that in the aftermath of the Cold War the US assumed a dominant role on the geopolitical...

Vladimir Odintsov