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Vladimir Odintsov

The Realities and Prospects involved in Turkey’s Expansion in Central Asia

In recent decades, Turkey has laid claim to playing the role of a new regional superpower, and has increasingly begun to pursue an independent foreign policy, which many political scientists have dubbed Neo-Ottomanism. Furthermore, Ankara's expansionist ambitions have started to mushroom very quickly, and it is...

Vladimir Odintsov

The United States is Seeking to Take Control of the Elections in Kyrgyzstan

Hopelessly bogged down in its influencing of the Ukrainian crisis, which did not go as expected in Washington, the United States has been actively trying to defocus Russia’s attention in recent years by organizing riots in other CIS countries. One of them is Kyrgyzstan, which is vulnerable to external interference...

Vladimir Odintsov

Turkey is Set on Expanding its Influence around the World

When analyzing how the political situation is developing in a particular region, various analysts and observers usually focus on the geopolitical aspirations of the United States and China, the actions taken by Russia, NATO, and individual Western states, and on the ideology espoused by radical Islamism, which has amplified the threat of terrorism in recent decades...

Vladimir Odintsov